VIP Overview

Our vetted VIPs receive advanced reader copies (ARCs) of upcoming books in exchange for honest online reviews. This helps us build early buzz and credibility for our publications.

Whether you’re an influencer, educator, bookseller, or an avid reader with a Goodreads account, we invite you to learn more below and apply to become a VIP.

How It Works

About 1-3 months before a new book is launched at Lost Island Press, we email our VIPs an invitation to join the book’s ARC reading team. This invitation includes:

  • A brief description of the book
  • The deadline to read and post a review
  • A personal download link

Through the personal download link, the ebook can easily be accessed online, read as a PDF, or sent to an e-reader platform like Kindle or Apple iBooks.

Joining the ARC Team

If a VIP claims the ebook through their invitation email, they are automatically added to the book’s ARC reading team and will be required to post a review before the specified deadline.

On average, we give VIPs 1-3 months to read and review an ARC, depending on the book’s length and release date.

Opting Out

If a VIP is too busy, uninterested, or would rather wait to buy and read a print copy, they can allow their personal download link to expire in 14 days. This will automatically opt them out of the book’s ARC reading team, and they will have no obligation to post a review.

Summary of VIP Guidelines

Review Requirements: VIPs must leave at least one valid review type that meets our minimum length requirements and includes an articulated opinion. Valid review platforms include YouTube, Goodreads, Instagram, TikTok, blogs, and podcasts.
Honesty Policy: We value genuine feedback, positive or negative. Reviews should not critique our authors on personal attributes such as political views, religion, or ethnicity.
Amazon Reviews: While Amazon reviews are appreciated, they are not required due to Amazon’s guidelines against incentivized reviews. If VIPs choose to leave an Amazon review, we advise them to use the following disclaimer: “I received a free copy from Lost Island Press, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.”
Verification Process: Once an ARC review is posted, VIPs must email a link or screenshot to This helps us track feedback and thank readers directly. If a VIP does not verify their review, our team will assume that no review was posted, which may affect the reader’s VIP status.