Interview with Julia Rosemary Turk, author of the Lone Player trilogy

Manny: Hello, I’m Manny.  Rochelle: And I’m Rochelle.  Manny: We’re with Lost Island Press, interviewing Julia Rosemary Turk, author of upcoming YA nove Cut Deck, the sequel to her debut novel Lone Player.  Rochelle: So Julia, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself, and a little bit about Cut Deck? Julia: Well, … Read more

Meet Shira Behore, Winner of the 2020 Lost Island Writing Contest

For the past few months, Shira Behore has been revising her winning manuscript to prepare the story for publication. And today, we’re finally announcing her YA mystery novel’s title reveal! Introducing ”My Brother’s Spare“ Shira Behore’s debut novel My Brother’s Spare will be released on August 24, 2021. You can watch Shira’s first YouTube video below, … Read more