Publishing Model

Lost Island Press is an indie publishing house specializing in YA speculative fiction. We follow a traditional model, meaning we take on the financial risk of each project and never charge authors a dime. While we don’t offer advances on royalties, authors accrue royalties beginning on launch day and are paid 50% of net book revenue through monthly payments.

Our Process

We work each author throughout the developmental editing, copy editing, and proofreading processes to ensure their book is in top shape. Sometimes this involves a beta reading campaign, in which a group of test readers provide critiques of an early, unofficial draft.

For the book’s design, we collaborate with both the author and a contracted designer to create a cover that suits the story and meets high-quality industry standards. Next, we format beautiful ebook and print page layouts in-house.

Leading up to launch, we send our insider group of readers (VIPs) advanced copies in exchange for honest online reviews. We also promote ebook preorders with early bird discounts and email marketing.

Upon launch, we sell ebooks directly on our website. They are also available, along with print editions, at major online book retailers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

We are currently expanding into audiobook production, with plans to launch audio editions of select titles to be sold exclusively on our website.

Marketing Philosophy

Typically, readers only care about the author, not the publisher—but we’re changing that. By curating books with a distinct style, we ensure readers can trust every title with our name on it.

To make this happen, we ask our authors to align with our brand and actively engage with readers in our community, whether that’s through interviews, video content, or collaborating with other authors at Lost Island Press.

While creative involvement isn’t mandatory, it’s a key factor when we choose which authors to work with. We’re always testing innovative marketing strategies, so we’re looking for writers excited to be part of the process—regardless of their personal social media following.

In short, we’re building a community that all our authors contribute to, and benefit from.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit my manuscript for publishing consideration?
When submissions are open, we accept unsolicited submissions via email from both literary agents and unagented authors. Learn more about our submissions process here.
Do you charge any fees?
No, we do not charge fees to publish books. Like all traditional book publishers, we earn profit when our authors earn profit.
Do you offer advances?
We do not currently offer advances on royalties.
How much do Lost Island Press authors get paid?
We pay our authors 50% of net royalties from book sales, licensing revenue, and any other revenue generated from their work that we publish. For example, if we receive $500 in royalties for a book, the author gets paid 50% of that amount, or $250. Our royalty rate is 3-5 times what most traditional publishers offer.
Where is Lost Island Press located?
Lost Island Press is headquartered in Oro Valley, Arizona, but our international team works remotely from various locations around the globe. Please note that we do not accept paper submissions; to submit your manuscript, please follow our submission guidelines.
Do Lost Island Press authors lose rights to their books?
No, our authors retain the copyright to their books when they publish with us. They simply grant us an exclusive license to publish the book.
Does Lost Island Press publish internationally?
Our books are available all over the world in the US, Canada, UK, France, Australia, Germany, Japan, and many other countries through Amazon and other distribution channels. If you’re interested in foreign language rights for Lost Island Press titles, please contact us at
How long does it take for Lost Island Press to publish a book?
Because we prioritize quality over quantity, we never rush the publication process. We collaborate closely with our authors through editing, design, and production, ensuring books are published when they're ready and in accordance with the contract timeline.
Where are Lost Island Press books sold?
Ebooks are sold directly on our website, as well as on Amazon, iBooks, Kindle, Nook, and other major ebook retailers. Paperbacks are sold on major online book retailers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and are made available for bookstores and libraries to purchase. Audiobooks are sold exclusively on our website.