
What is Speculative Fiction? A Beginner’s Guide to the Genre

Do you ever feel like some books are too predictable? General fiction often leaves little room for imagination and thought-provoking ideas, which can frustrate readers who crave deeper, more original stories. Luckily, speculative fiction offers a solution. This genre pushes the boundaries of reality to provide new perspectives on familiar topics. Today, I’ll be sharing … Read more

Interview with Julia Rosemary Turk, author of the Lone Player trilogy

Manny: Hello, I’m Manny.  Rochelle: And I’m Rochelle.  Manny: We’re with Lost Island Press, interviewing Julia Rosemary Turk, author of upcoming YA nove Cut Deck, the sequel to her debut novel Lone Player.  Rochelle: So Julia, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself, and a little bit about Cut Deck? Julia: Well, … Read more

Read Mel Torrefranca’s Introduction to Maelin

Maelin wasn’t supposed to exist. After publishing the first book in the Belladonna series, Nightshade Academy, I dove straight into writing the second one, but the idea of this companion novella wouldn’t stop pestering me. I eventually accepted that I couldn’t not write it. So I put Underground Royalty on hold, and here we are. … Read more