VIP Guidelines

Our vetted VIPs receive advanced reader copies (ARCs) of upcoming books in exchange for honest online reviews. This helps us build early buzz and credibility for our publications.

Whether you’re an influencer, educator, bookseller, or an avid reader with a Goodreads account, we invite you to learn more below and apply to join our VIP list.

Review Requirements

VIPs who join a book’s ARC team must leave at least one valid review type that meets the minimum length requirement. The review(s) must also include an articulated opinion (not just a star rating or summary).

Valid Review Criteria

Valid Review TypeMinimum Length Requirement
YouTube Video*1+ minute
Goodreads Review5+ sentences
Instagram Post5+ sentences
Instagram Reel1+ minute
TikTok Video30+ seconds
Blog Post*5+ sentences
Podcast Episode*1+ minute
*Creating a dedicated video, post, or episode is not required for a review on a VIP’s YouTube channel, blog, or podcast. This means VIPs can include their review as part of a list (ie. “5 Fantasy Books I Read This Summer”) so long as the portion in which they discuss the ARC meets the minimum length requirements.

Honesty Policy

We value the genuine feedback of our VIPs, positive or negative. All we ask is that VIPs avoid critiquing our authors on the grounds of political views, religion, ethnicity, or any other personal attributes.

While not required, we recommend that our VIPs include a disclaimer in their reviews, such as:

I received a free copy from Lost Island Press in exchange for an honest review.

Voluntary Amazon Reviews

Amazon’s Community Guidelines prohibit us from providing free ebooks in exchange for reviews—even honest ones. Therefore, reviewing ARCs on Amazon is not required of our VIPs. However, when VIPs choose to leave a review voluntarily, it is greatly appreciated.

When we launch a book, our team will invite VIPs on the ARC team via email to copy and paste their reviews to Amazon. VIPs should be mindful of Amazon’s guidelines, as phrases like “in exchange for” may cause the review to be rejected. Instead, we recommend replacing the original disclaimer with the following:

I received a free copy from Lost Island Press, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Verification Process

Once an ARC review is posted, VIPs must send a link or screenshot to This helps us track feedback and thank readers directly.

If a VIP does not verify their review, our team will assume that no review was posted, which may affect the reader’s VIP status.

Leading up to a book’s review deadline, reminder emails will be sent to VIPs on the ARC team who have yet to verify a review.

Want to join our VIP list?